
Friday, October 9, 2009

MUFE No.92 Giveaway Winner!

So today I used to determine the winner of my comment giveaway. Thanks to everyone who entered, I had a blast reading all your halloween plans/or no plans as it goes. My favorite thing to do for Halloween is decorate; I go all out--carved pumpkins, spiderwebs, lights, spooky theme music and then I dress up and hand out candy. ( In case you wanted to know) Out of 22 eligible comments, chose number 3. So the winner is Supergirl43837! Congrats to her! Stick around for more contests in the future and have a Happy Halloween!
To the winner, please email me your info at:


  1. congrats to supergirl43837 :D

    will be looking forward for the next contest ;)

  2. Ooh!! I'm so excited!! Thank you bunches :)
    I am sending you an e-mail right now with my info. I've never tried any products from MUFE so i'm so super freakin' stoked!!
