
Thursday, October 1, 2009

Make Up For Ever Giveaway!

Recently I posted swatches of my Make Up For Ever(MUFE) Palettes. Number 92, the most amazing bright purple was the color that started my love of these shadows and created the collection I have now. So in an effort to start someone else's love of this brand I am giving away (1) Make Up For Ever eyeshadow in No. 92. This is a great opportunity to try this product with no risks--if you don't like it then take it back to Sephora and exchange it for something you love--or swap the color for one you don't have! If you'd like to enter to win this shadow leave a comment on this post telling me what your plan on being for Halloween (or if you aren't a costume person then what are your plans for that evening). Good luck to everyone! The winner will be posted here on Friday October 9th so make sure to follow my blog to keep yourself updated!

Just FYI--my camera is not doing this color justice!

If you comment as Anonymous please leave your name in the comment or I won't be able to enter you.


  1. Halloween is extra special for me because it's also my birthday. I think the costume I want to do this year is a demon. I got inspired by a tutorial I saw on youtube. It was by Risa. She did such an amazing job. I just hope I can replicate it!!

  2. Actualy i'm from Portugal and we don't really celebrate Halloween....

    I wish we did, but we don't really, and my family even less.

    Halloween to me is extra special as it is both the fun of the costume party (i live vicariously through YouTube) but also a pagan day of celebration (which i can't celebrate, because my parent don't really see paganism as a true "religion").

    So to me, it will be a day to burn some incense, meditate on my life, and say a couple of prayers to the spirits.

    love xoxo

  3. that color is amazing! thanks for hosting this giveaway :]

    I'm going to be the TOOTH FAIRY, because she never gets any love like Tinkerbell or just other fairies. I'm going to make my costume though cuz they don't sell a Tooth Fairy costume. LOL

  4. For Halloween I'm going to be a fairy or a witch. Still trying to find the perfect costume! This make up for ever eye shadow looks so pretty. I have really been into purples lately. Thanks for having this giveaway. :)

  5. Wow that is a gorgeous color, I have been eyeing it for months!

    Well, for Halloween, I am planning on being a fairy. I found a really cute way to make the wings and a tulle skirt from home. The wings are made using wire hangers, black pantyhose, and glitter paint. I really enjoy making costumes at home it just adds something to the whole experience.

    I hope you have a great Halloween.
    Thanks again and...

    Stay Beautiful - Beauty Queen

  6. For Halloween I Am Preparing To Take My Newphews Trick-Or-Treating, Then Head Out To San Francisco,CA For A Night Of Partying Hopping In Cocktail Attire.

  7. I'm going to be getting together with my best friends in the world. We're not really costume people, but we're definitely makeup people. And depending on the amount of testosterone v estrogen present at the get-together, it could just be a big makeup/BPAL party. ^_^

  8. Hi! My plans for Halloween are to get together with some buddies and go out for dinner, something fun like that. Not a big makeup person.

  9. ***costume person. Not makeup person! lol. I'm not a big costume person >.<

  10. Im not sure if om gonna have a costume this year. If not, I'll probably stay home, give out candy, and maybe watch whatever scary movie is on tv LOL

  11. For Halloween I'm going to be Little Red Riding Hood :) I have a cute dress that's red white and black and I have a hood/cape to go with it. Halloween is probably my favorite holiday (besides Christmas) of the year! Also, I'm going to do white and red makeup and fake lashes for a special touch.

  12. Also, I'm doing my brother's costume too. I'm going to use a plastic knife and make it look like its going through his head and do his makeup like blood is running down :D

  13. Hi Audrey! My name is Barb Truscott and I love Halloween, to me it only comes second to Christmas. Its such a fun and wacky day who couldn't love it?

    This year I am going to dress up as a blue water fairy I was inspired by a video I seen on youtube by DaCheller and by your water nail tutorial, So I'll do my nails like you did yours and my face like she did hers, and I'll look fabulous! :D Then me and my boyfriend will give out candy outside our apartment. Its such a great time for me because I can't have children and Its nice for me to be able to interact with all the little cuties that come by in their sweet little outfits. Then when thats all over we will come inside and watch scary movies while snuggling on the couch <3

    Halloween is my very favourite holiday besides Christmas, but I still look foreward to it all year.

  14. How generous of you Audrey! Thank you :)Purple is my favorite color to wear on my green eyes.

    I have 4 daughters (ages 4, 6, 11 and 12) so Halloween is always a big deal here and like most little girls, mine love makeup LOL And on Halloween night is THE night where they can wear it all. We take them out trick-or-treating each year. This year my 12 y/o will be a vampire queen, my 11 y/o wants to be cat woman (she is so excited about wearing red lipstick lol), my 6 y/o wants to be Barbie and my 4 y/o will be Tinker Bell. I always start early on their costumes/makeup. I don't bother with the hair because it's so cold here on halloween that they need to wear winter coats and hats most years. But we put all the glitz and glamour on their face makeup. Glitter, bright colors, flashy face painting, you name it we do it! ;) What we do every year is drive to my parents' neighborhood and trick-or-treat there. My mom makes the best Halloween cupcakes ever and my kids expect them each year. It's just not the same without mammie's cupcakes :) After the kids have had enough we go back to the house and let the kids go through their loot while the adults munch and have a well deserved coffee (it's freezing here on Halloween night). I always make sure to bring baby wipes with me to wipe off all that makeup fast because the girlies are just pooped after all the excitment and fall asleep in the car. I always dress up or at least wear a funny hat and do some crazy makeup to walk the streets with them. They love that I do. This year I plan on trying my luck at transforming myself into the Bride from the movie "A nightmare before xmas". Black and red "french manicure" on long fake nails, craz lashes and a straight long hair black wig will complete my look. I have a very pretty silver chocker necklace with a rose in the middle that I will wear too. The necklace is silver and the rose is dark red...perfect! I've been trying to get the stitches right...I will keep practising. ;)

    Hope you have a spooky Halloween!!!!!!!!! Thanks again! :)

  15. I am supper excited for halloween this year! its really my favorite time of the year. This year i am going to be a vampire! i have never been one and i thought this year was the perfect year :) with twilight and all lol. not going to be sparkly or anything. Going for more of the scary suductive vampy look

  16. Hi audrey! I'm not sure if I am celebrating Halloween this year..but if I do, I am thinking of being a fairy =) I've started playing around with the makeup I could wear if I were to be a fairy and it's fun stuff :] If i don't end up dressing up, i will probably be giving out candy and watching scary movies with my boyfriend =)

  17. I'm going to be going this year as the killer from the scream movies. yes yes its not very original but its a recyled costume from when I was in highschool since I didn't really have the money to buy a new one after I bought all sorts of new halloween decorations. hehe

    My mom is going to be Sally from the nightmare before christmas. hehe i'm really excited to do her makeup for her. =)

    Good Luck to everyone who enters.

  18. Hi, I'm Catherine, or xcatherinesbombx from youtube!
    This halloween I plan on hanging out with friends, and just chilling, maybe do a horror movie fest. I am going to be a drag queen this year, because I think that it's a really neat costume and drag queen makeup is the funnest to do :)
    Thanks for hosting this contest!

  19. Hi! :)

    I'm Fadya. I don't celebrate Halloween but I plan on going out with my friends who celebrate it & help them choose the outfits for the nite! ^_^

    It's gonna be lots of fun~

    Thanks for holding this contest :)

  20. this color is and AMAZING purple!I am planning on being Samara Morgan from the ring! I could acually use this color for the circles around my eyes! Ha ha. LOVE your videos and keep up the GREAT work! Thanks for having this 2nd givaway! <3 =]
    From Danielle

  21. im being lady gaga for halloween, well i'm being it for this school spirit day on the 16th and i didnt want to spend money on an extra costume, so yep! ahahha. and im going to a party :)

  22. I have no idea what I'm going to be. I love Halloween so I want be something festive. I know that forsure I'm going to have scars and open sores and all that gross stuff. I'm already practicing. I need to get scar putty though.

  23. I think this is great that you are having the giveaway. I would love to have the chance to try out these products. Sign me up =) thank you!

    organic foundation

  24. Going to surprise my brother in another state. Will be myself, just surprise self. Sue C AZ

  25. I just put on a pair of stuffed devil's horns. They're mounted on bobby pins!

  26. So generous of you! I don't know whether it is open internationally or not but I will share my plans anyway!! Where I am at the moment they don't celebrate Halloween however I will be having my birthday party on Halloween for which I am doing a red carpet/old Hollywood theme!:D
