
Saturday, January 9, 2010

My Blog is Moving...

Hello everyone! It's official, I have my own website!

Just so you know the new site has the same title as this one just cut out the "blogspot". You should be automatically directed there once the site is fully processed. I hope you enjoy the new site and I look forward to sharing with you my thoughts, reviews, and nail art fun. Thanks for being a follower!

If you are curious you can click here! : All Nail and Cosmetics
And if you aren't a follower but a regular reader, don't forget to switch your bookmark to the new address!

Don't forget to let me know if there are any products you would like to see reviewed, colors you would like to see swatched, or designs you'd like me to demonstrate!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice, congratulations! :D
    I would looooove to see some everyday - wear nail designs :) like geometrical stuff or french manicure with some other details :)
    Keep it up, u are great! :)
