
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Falling Leaves/ Autumn Inspired Nail Art

My latest nail art design was inspired by the changing of the seasons. The leaves changing color and falling, the days ending a bit earlier and the cold weather approaching. Okay, so only half of that really applies here in Las Vegas so I should say it is inspired by all things fall, no matter where you live.  This design was a combination of two requests that I have received: the first for a nail art design using a nude color as the background and the second was for a fall design. Seeing as how I am nearing the end of my Master's program I have precious little time over these next 2 weeks to get videos made, edited and put together so combining the two requests was a bit selfish of me but...what can I say?

Here are a few pictures of what I came up with. Please forgive how dark they are I filmed this tutorial and took these pictures at midnight...

Here is the video as well if you'd like to see how I did it:


  1. I love it! Sooo cute! Where did you get your dotting tool? Sorry if this has been asked before.

  2. Sweepearose--I got this double ended dotting tool from I think it was about $2-$3. Glad you like it!

  3. Thanks for the response. I just ordered from them a week ago, still waiting on the shipment email. I'll have to pick that up next time. :)
