
Sunday, May 3, 2009

Flying Bumble Bee Nail Design

So, I know that I am a bit biased but I do think that this is one of the cutest nail designs that I have done. It makes the bees look like they have jumped out of a cartoon like Winnie the Pooh instead of from a hive. It also makes me want one as a pet--but alas I am allergic so no bee keeping for me.

Seriously though, if anyone gives this a try I would love to see some picture!


  1. OMG, so cute! =)

  2. Hi, I tried out this design and put a post on my blog about it please check it out and feel free to give your hones opinion. Thanks for the inspiration

  3. I am going to try it tonight. My daughter is having her 1st grade pta play tomorrow night and the play is To Bee or Not to Bee. Her nails are going to bee the Thanks for the great idea =)Ill post a pic if they turn out good!
