
Thursday, May 7, 2009

Children's Artwork Nail Design

When I sat down to do my nails I though to myself, "Audrey, ladybugs!" and after painting the light blue background I decided against. My niece had sent me some artwork and that is where the inspiration for this design came from. I think I might do a version of this for each season--Let me know what you think!

This design reminds me of being back in elementary school and let me tell you--I loved art class! It was my favorite subject! I had a lot of fun with this design mainly because I got to make the light blue color. For those of you who are new to nailpolish the process of creating/mixing your own color is called "Frankening" sort of like creating your own little Franken-polish...
If you ever purchase a color that you don't love and can't return, keep it and make your own color! I just wanted to throw out a reminder that I am about 27 subbies away from a contest!! Woo Hoo!


  1. oOoh, this is a really cute design! :)

  2. that is so cool,if you know a school for children to learn how to do nails please tell me
